We hope that everyone is taking extra good care during this time and honoring what is necessary to support containment of Covid-19. This is one of those moments where we have a chance to change an outcome if we participate as fully as possible. Let us take the highroad, and rise to the call of the moment and set dicipline and containment in motion. It is easy to be casual about something when it's not on one's doorstep, but we must be very AWAKE right now and get clear. The suffering taking place where COVID is extremely active is tremendous. Our actions will determine the degree to which we also experience this. Let's cooperate as a global family and do whatever we can to stop the wave of the virus. The short term losses we face are so much less than the possible longterm loss of the life of a loved one and one another. Remember: we don't always have room to effect outcomes, but this is one of those moments where we do.
We have a chance to change the outcome of this and further losses, if we participate as fully as possible. If you're still behaving as if everything is normal, then take a moment to reflect on the person that you love the most being taken by this virus.
Let's rise to the call of the moment and set dicipline and containment in motion. Take care of anyone who needs support in the best way that you can. Go inward.
Please walk the path.
